Yu-Gi-Oh! Master

Votes taken by -Z-

  1. .
    Io avrei preferito che toccassero la parte pk piuttosto di Cir, vabbè
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    MAXX "C"


    Qui trovate la lista completa.

    Edited by Ðrillø - 25/8/2016, 12:02
  3. .
    Sì, nel caso di richiamo del posseduto hai ragione. Questo perché è una trappola continua ed ha meccaniche completamente diverse dalle carte magia equipaggiamento (oggetto della domanda).
    Richiamo del posseduto potrà lasciare il terreno solo a causa di un effetto di una carta (esempio banale: se stessa), ma non a causa di meccaniche di gioco.
  4. .
    1) Sezione sbagliata, sposto in ruling.

    2) Le carte magia equipaggiamento vengono distrutte quando il mostro equipaggiato non è più scoperto sul terreno. Quando un mostro viene usato come materiale xyz, pur non lasciando il terreno, non è più considerato "scoperto sul terreno" o, più in generale, "sul terreno".

    3) Evitate di rispondere in modo troppo conciso e spiegate bene cosa volete dire. Non rispondete se non siete sicuri al 99% di ciò che dite ed usate termini appropriati per evitare confusione.
  5. .
    Io giocando carte come duplicazione di macchine faccio sempre i mucchietti sennò vedo i mostri in 3x :asd:
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    Siamo in 28, 5 turni, porto deskbot. Arrivo un'ora prima circa, mi iscrivo, compro le sleeves nuove e imbusto il deck. Si comincia, le mie speranze erano di trovare molti mazzi nuovi (blue-eyes, metalfoes, trains, ecc.) e pochi monarch/kozmo, ma non avevo fatto i conti col fatto che il 90% delle persone testava per Rimini.
    Ovviamente, infatti, su 28 mazzi 18-19 sono monarch e kozmo :asd:

    1° Turno: Domain Monarchs
    Parte lui non molto bene, con 2 red layer e dominio. Io ho 004 e in 2 turni gli faccio naturia bestia, seguito da infinity il turno successivo, gg.
    Nel secondo game parte sempre lui: fa special red layer, attiva mithra dalla mano, faccio maxx e pesco 1, veiler :rotfl: Tributa i suoi mostri per ehther che si prende veiler, rimane con 1 in mano, una settata e ehther in campo. Io in mano ho 003 che porta 004, bitto ehther mandando 001 dal deck al grave (anche grazie a base che mi pompa 004). Evoco 001 + mostro random, 001+003+004+token di mithra = trishula che lo lascia a topdeck. Vinco di lì a poco.


    2° Turno: Kozmo Island
    Parte lui e bricka malissimo, 2 terraforming 1 coth 1 island 1 allure. Prova a fare l'allure alla cieca ma non gli va. Tocca a me e otkappo.
    Nel secondo game parte di 1 set+tincan che adda landwalker e passa. La mia mano sembra abbastanza brick: Instant, system down, maxx "c", birdman, speedroid dice. Scarto maxx subito, lui banna tincan che porta delta shuttle (lol). Reborno maxx di norden, normal birdman, gli tiro Trishula. Il turno dopo grazie a strawman la ribalta e chiude con dark lady+ landwalker. Io però ho system down, 004 e duplicazione che gli tolgono il board e fanno infinity. Non riesce a togliermi quest'ultimo e vinco di conseguenza.


    3° Turno: BA PK
    Parte lui con terrortop, io vedo maxx. Fa solo dante dandomi il +0, milla boots e adda fog blade, setta 2 e passa. Io ho terrortop che forza fogblade, 003 e 001 che mi porterebbero a una grossa trishula. Lui però gira una seconda fogblade su 003 e sono costretto a passare. Lui in un turno mi manda a 100 lp addandosi anche la terza fogblade, io avrei gameciel per togliere beatrice, ma niente per togliere la terza fogblade e concedo. Ci sarebbe voluto Twin Twister.
    Nel secondo game parte lui con vanity fiend, che stalla. Per me non è un grosso problema dato che mi basta pescare 004 per toglierlo. Purtroppo le carte che pesco nei turni seguenti sono: 2 twin twister 1 veiler 2 gameciel 1 005 1 006 1 terrortop 1 veiler 1 nishipachi e piano piano mi porta a 0 LP :(


    4° Turno: Kozmo
    Parte con 2 set + town. Io setto 004 e passo. Lui banna un pilota per slip, faccio maxx e pesco veiler :trollface: Prova a spaccarsi town ma uso subito il mio veiler, mi bitta 004 che sopravvive cestinando 009 dal mazzo. Tocca a me e con gameciel, instant e 003 gli distruggo il terreno ed evoco infinity+ bestia in m2. Concede.
    Il secondo game è molto lungo, parte di tincan-->dark lady che io forzo di terrortop e distruggo di 004. Non mi ricordo molto il resto, so che a un certo punto lui fa maxx che mi costringe a ripiegare su metaphys horus anzichè infinity. Sono ancora in gara ma mi topdecka teleport e mi otkappa.
    Iniziamo la terza e scattano subito i turni. Parte di tincan into dark lady e warning. Io ho ancora terrortop per forzare lady ma contro warning non posso fare nulla. Passo e lui ha anche farmgirl e mi otkappa di nuovo :/


    Decido di droppare per prendere il treno prima, peccato per il result, spero che post banned sarà più facile. Comunque è stata una bella esperienza, al prossimo report :ciao:
  7. .
    I mostri distrutti in battaglia vengono mandati al cimitero alla fine del Damage step, che ovviamente è compresa nel damage step.
    Qui si può trovare una tabella che lo spiega nel dettaglio.
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    Raging Tempest

    Raging Tempest

    Include supporti per "Speedroid", "Shaddoll", "Virus", "Black Luster Soldier", "Cipher", "Crystron", "Galaxy-Eyes", "Magician", "Performapal", "Rank-up-Magic", "Shiranui", "Odd-Eyes", "Ancient Gear" e "Ritual Beast".
    Introduce l'archetipo "Wind Witch", "Juunishishi" e "Esprit". Include il primo supporto per l'archetipo "Pendulum Dragon".

    Data di Rilascio OCG: 8 Ottobre 2016
    Data di Rilascio TCG: 24 Febbraio 2017
    Sigla: RATE
    8 Secret Rare
    10 Ultra Rare
    14 Super Rare
    20 Rare
    48 Comuni

    Lista Carte (Spoiler Completo):

    TARE-EN001 Descend Dragon Magician
    TARE-EN002 Performapal Return Tantan
    TARE-EN003 Performapal Dag Daggerman
    TARE-EN004 Performapal Laughmaker
    TARE-EN005 Speedroid OMK Gum
    TARE-EN006 Speedroid Bamboo Horse
    TARE-EN007 Wind Witch - Ice Bell
    TARE-EN008 Wind Witch - Snow Bell
    TARE-EN009 Parasite Fusioner
    TARE-EN010 Cyber Tutubon
    TARE-EN011 Cipher Étranger
    TARE-EN012 Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain
    TARE-EN013 Ancient Gear Hunting Ground
    TARE-EN014 Juunishishi Molmorat
    TARE-EN015 Juunishishi Rabbina
    TARE-EN016 Juunishishi Viper
    TARE-EN017 Juunishishi Thoroughblade
    TARE-EN018 Juunishishi Ram
    TARE-EN019 True King Lithosazim, the Disaster
    TARE-EN020 Crystron Rion
    TARE-EN021 Crystron Sulphafnir
    TARE-EN022 Esprit Bird Shinobigarasu
    TARE-EN023 Esprit Bird - Kannaki Tsuru
    TARE-EN024 Esprit Bird Tsutaebato
    TARE-EN025 Envoy of Chaos
    TARE-EN026 Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda
    TARE-EN027 Tierra, Goddess of Rebirth
    TARE-EN028 Phantasmal Miserasaurus
    TARE-EN029 Apprentice Piper
    TARE-EN030 Kawanokami
    TARE-EN031 Yokotuner
    TARE-EN032 All-Devouring Glutton
    TARE-EN033 Wightprincess
    TARE-EN034 Metrognome
    TARE-EN035 Fairy Tail - Cinderella
    TARE-EN036 Cyber Angel Nasadiya
    TARE-EN037 Esprit Lord - Himekujaku
    TARE-EN038 Esprit Lord - Hikokujaku
    TARE-EN039 Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
    TARE-EN040 Wind Witch - Crystal Bell
    TARE-EN041 Ancient Gear Chaos Giant
    TARE-EN042 Ancient Gear Devil
    TARE-EN043 Wind Witch - Winter Bell
    TARE-EN044 Superheavy Samurai Ninja Shinobiashi
    TARE-EN045 Flower Cardian Lightflare
    TARE-EN046 Crystron Gliongandr
    TARE-EN047 Shiranui Sovereignsaga
    TARE-EN048 Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon
    TARE-EN049 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
    TARE-EN050 Heavy-Armored Train Iron Wolf‎‎
    TARE-EN051 Juunishishi Bullhorn
    TARE-EN052 Juunishishi Tigress
    TARE-EN053 Juunishishi Drancia
    TARE-EN054 Juunishishi Wildbow
    TARE-EN055 Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
    TARE-EN056 Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension
    TARE-EN057 Recardenation
    TARE-EN058 Zodiac Sign
    TARE-EN059 Elemental Triangle of the Zodiac Beasts
    TARE-EN060 Esprit_Calling
    TARE-EN061 Esprit Powerspot
    TARE-EN062 Super Soldier Origin
    TARE-EN063 Super Quantal Finisher Alphan Ball
    TARE-EN064 Ritual Beast's Promised Return
    TARE-EN065 Foolish Burial with Belongings
    TARE-EN066 The Grass is Always Tastier on the Other Side
    TARE-EN067 Terminal World Next
    TARE-EN068 Bewildering Wind
    TARE-EN069 Cipher Spectrum
    TARE-EN070 Ancient Gear Reborn
    TARE-EN071 Seasonal Direction to the Zodiac Beasts
    TARE-EN072 Esprit Healing
    TARE-EN073 The Beginning
    TARE-EN074 Shiranui Style Reincarnation
    TARE-EN075 Majespecter Gust
    TARE-EN076 Void Madness
    TARE-EN077 Purusha Shaddoll Aion
    TARE-EN078 Shadow Spread Virus
    TARE-EN079 Switch Hero
    TARE-EN080 Macromorph

    Dragoncalling Magician

    Level: 7
    Atk/Def: 2400/1000

    Effect:Pendulum Effect:
    Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; it becomes Dragon-Type until the end of your opponent's turn.

    Monster Effect:
    Once per turn: You can make this card become Dragon-Type until the end of this turn. A Synchro, Fusion, or Xyz Monster Summoned using this card on the field as Material gains this effect.
    ● If it battles a Dragon-Type monster, its ATK becomes double its original ATK during the Damage Step only.

    Performapal Return Tantan

    Level: 2
    Atk/Def: 400/600

    Effect:Pendulum Effect:
    You can target 1 "Performapal" card you control; return it to the hand, but you cannot activate cards, or the effects of cards, with that name for the rest of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Performapal Return Tantan" once per turn.

    Monster Effect:
    When this card is destroyed by battle: You can target 1 card on the field; return it to the hand.

    Speedroid OMK Gum

    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: 0/800

    During the Battle Phase, if you take battle or effect damage: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During the Battle Phase this card was Summoned this way, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster, using only WIND monsters you control, including this card. If this card is sent to the Graveyard as a Synchro Material: You can send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard, and if it is a "Speedroid" monster, the Synchro Monster that used this card as a Synchro Material gains 1000 ATK.

    Speedroid Bamboo Horse

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1100/1100

    When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Speedroid" monster from your hand. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; send 1 WIND monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Speedroid Bamboo Horse" once per turn.

    Wind Witch - Ice Bell

    Level: 3
    Atk/Def: 1000/1000

    If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, then you can Special Summon 1 "Wind Witch" monster from your Deck. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect cannot be Tributed. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Level 5 or higher WIND monsters. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can inflict 500 damage to your opponent. You can only use each effect of "Wind Witch - Ice Bell" once per turn.

    Wind Witch - Snow Bell

    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: 100/100

    If the only monsters you control are 2 or more WIND monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. A WIND Synchro Monster that used this card as a Synchro Material cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

    Cyber Tutubon

    Level: 5
    Atk/Def: 1800/1600

    You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by Tributing 1 Warrior or Fairy-Type monster from your hand or field. If this card is Tributed for a Ritual Summon: You can target 1 Ritual Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

    Cipher Étranger

    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: 0/0

    While this card is in your hand or Graveyard: You can target 1 "Cipher" Xyz Monster you control; attach this card to it as Xyz Material. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Cipher" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use 1 "Cipher Étranger" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

    Ancient Gear Hunting Ground

    Level: 3
    Atk/Def: 1000/1000

    If this card is Normal Summoned: Inflict 600 damage to your opponent. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 "Ancient Gear" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Materials.

    Zodiac Beast Molmorat

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 0/0

    If this card is Normal Summoned: You can send 1 "Zodiac Beast" card from your Deck to your Graveyard. An Xyz Monster whose original Type is Beast-Warrior with this card as Xyz Material gains this effect.
    ● Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 "Zodiac Beast Molmorat" from your hand or Deck.

    Zodiac Beast Rabbina

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 800/800

    If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 "Zodiac Beast" card in your Graveyard, except "Zodiac Beast Rabbina"; add it to your hand. An Xyz Monster whose original Type is Beast-Warrior with this card as Xyz Material gains this effect.
    ● During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Spell Card or effect that targets this card: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation.

    Zodiac Beast Viper

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1200/400

    During either player's turn: You can target 1 Beast-Warrior-Type Xyz Monster you control; attach this card from your hand or field to it as Xyz Material. An Xyz Monster whose original Type is Beast-Warrior with this card as Xyz Material gains this effect.
    ● If this card battles an opponent's monster, after damage calculation: Banish that opponent's monster.

    Zodiac Beast Thorougblade

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1600/0

    If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can discard 1 "Zodiac Beast" card, and if you do, draw 1 card. An Xyz Monster whose original Type is Beast-Warrior with this card as Xyz Material gains this effect.
    ● If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

    Zodiac Beast Ram

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 400/2000

    If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster in your Graveyard, except "Zodiac Beast Ram"; Special Summon it. An Xyz Monster whose original Type is Beast-Warrior with this card as Xyz Material gains this effect.
    ● During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Trap Card or effect that targets this card: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation.

    Crystron Rion

    Level: 3
    Atk/Def: 500/500

    During your opponent's Main Phase or Battle Phase: You can target 1 of your banished non-Tuners; Special Summon it, but it has its effects negated, and if you do, immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Machine-Type Synchro Monster, using that monster and this card only (this is a Quick Effect). These Synchro Materials are shuffled into the Deck instead of being sent to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Crystron Rion" once per turn.

    Crystron Sulphafnir

    Level: 5
    Atk/Def: 2000/1500

    While this card is in your hand or Graveyard: You can discard 1 "Crystron" card, except "Crystron Sulphafnir"; Special Summon this card in Defense Position, then destroy 1 card you control. If this card on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Crystron" monster from your Deck in Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Crystron Sulphafnir" once per turn.

    Esprit Bird - Kannagizuru

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1500/1500

    Cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn, if another Spirit monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned, while you control this face-up card: You can draw 1 card. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return it to the hand.

    Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1600/1800

    If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card (by battle or card effect): You can Special Summon 1 "Ritual Beast" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. You can only Special Summon "Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda(s)" once per turn.

    Phantasmal Miserasaurus

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1800/1000

    During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects during this Main Phase. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck whose Level equals the number of monsters banished, but it is destroyed during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Phantasmal Miserasaurus" once per turn.


    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1800/600

    Cannot be Special Summoned. If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; that face-up monster is treated as a Spirit monster, and if you do, return it to the hand during the End Phase. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return it to the hand.

    Performapal Dag Daggerman

    Level: 5
    Atk/Def: 2000/600

    Pendulum Effect: During your Main Phase, if this card was activated this turn: You can target 1 "Performapal" monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Performapal Dag Daggerman" once per turn.
    Monster Effect: During your Main Phase, if this card was Pendulum Summoned this turn: You can send 1 "Performapal" monster from your hand to the Graveyard; draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Performapal Dag Daggerman" once per turn.

    Performapal Laughmaker

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 2500/2000

    Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, if your opponent controls a monster with ATK higher than its original ATK: You can gain 1000 LP.
    Monster Effect: When this card declares an attack, if the ATK of this card or a monster your opponent controls is higher than its original ATK: You can make this card gain 1000 ATK for each of those monsters with ATK higher than its original ATK, until the end of the Battle Phase. If this card with ATK higher than its original ATK is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. You can only use 1 "Performapal Laughmaker" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

    Parasite Fusioner

    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: 0/0

    Cannot be used as a Fusion Material unless you apply the following effect. You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion Material Monster, but the other Fusion Material Monster(s) must be correct. If this card is Special Summoned (except during the Damage Step): You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Materials, including this card.

    Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain

    Level: 3
    Atk/Def: 2000/2000

    Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned by its own effect. If this card is in your hand: You can reveal this card; draw 1 card, and if you do, show it, then if it is a "Flower Cardian" monster, Special Summon this card. Otherwise, send both it and this card to the Graveyard. During either player's Damage Step, when a "Flower Cardian" monster you control battles an opponent's monster: You can discard this card; that monster you control gains 1000 ATK until the end of this turn.

    True King Lithosazim, the Disaster

    Level: 9
    Atk/Def: 2500/2300

    If this card is in your hand: You can destroy 2 other monsters in your hand and/or face-up on your field, including an EARTH monster, and if you do, Special Summon this card, and if you do that, you can look at your opponent's Extra Deck and banish up to 3 monsters with different names in their Extra Deck, if both the destroyed monsters were EARTH. If this card is destroyed by card effect: You can Special Summon 1 non-EARTH Wyrm-Type monster from your Graveyard. You can only use each effect of "True King Lithosazim, the Disaster" once per turn.

    Esprit Bird Shinobigarasu

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 0/0

    Cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn, during either player's Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's monster: You can discard 1 Spirit monster; this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the discarded monster's, until the end of the Battle Phase. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return it to the hand.

    Esprit Bird Tsutaebato

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1000/1800

    Cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn: You can target 1 other Spirit monster on the field; return it to the hand. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up this turn: Return it to the hand.

    Envoy of Chaos

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1500/0

    During either player's Battle Phase: You can discard this card, then target 1 "Black Luster Soldier" monster or "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster you control; it gains 1500 ATK, and if it does, any monster that battles that monster has its ATK become equal to its original ATK, during that damage calculation only. These changes last until the end of this turn. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card is in the Graveyard: You can banish 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard, except this card; add this card to your hand.

    Tierra, Goddess of Rebirth

    Level: 11
    Atk/Def: 3400/3600

    Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by shuffling 10 other cards with different names from your hand and/or field into the Main Deck or Extra Deck, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's Special Summon cannot be negated. If this card is Special Summoned: Shuffle all other cards from both players' hands, fields, and Graveyards, and all face-up Pendulum Monsters from both players' Extra Decks into the Deck. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this effect's activation.

    Apprentice Piper

    Level: 2
    Atk/Def: 100/1500

    FLIP: You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand.
    If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand.


    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: 800/600

    When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Tuner from your hand or Graveyard, but it has its effects negated.

    All-Devouring Glutton

    Level: 1
    Atk/Def: ?/?

    Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 5 or more cards from your hand, field, and/or Extra Deck, face-down, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each face-down banished card. While this card is face-up on the field, it cannot be Tributed, or be used as a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Material for a Summon. Once per turn, at the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish that opponent's monster, face-down.


    Level: 3
    Atk/Def: 1600/0

    This card’s name becomes "Skull Servant" while it is in the Graveyard. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Wightprince" from your Deck to the Graveyard. During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand or field to the Graveyard; each face-up monster currently on the field loses ATK and DEF equal to its own Level/Rank x 300 until the end of this turn.


    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1800/1600

    Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 other card in either player's Pendulum Zone; this card's Pendulum Scale becomes the same as that target's, until the end of this turn.
    Monster Effect: If you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones with the same Pendulum Scale, this card gains ATK and DEF equal to that Pendulum Scale x 100, also it can attack your opponent directly. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack: Destroy all cards in each player's Pendulum Zones.

    Fairy Tail - Cinderella

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 1850/1000

    Other monsters on the field cannot be targeted by Spell effects. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Spell Card; equip 1 Equip Spell Card from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard to this card, but return that Equip Spell Card to the hand during the End Phase.

    Cyber Angel Nasateiya

    Level: 5
    Atk/Def: 1000/1000

    You can Ritual Summon this card with "Machine Angel Ritual". Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster you control; gain LP equal to half its ATK. When a Ritual Monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can negate the attack. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can banish 1 other "Cyber Angel" monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; Special Summon this card, and if you do, take control of that target.

    Esprit Lord - Himekujaku

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 2500/3000

    You can Ritual Summon this card with "Esprit Calling". Must be Ritual Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can shuffle up to 3 Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls into the Deck, then you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Spirit monster from your Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Special Summoned this turn: Return it to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon 2 "Esprit Bird Tokens" (Winged Beast-Type/WIND/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1500).

    Esprit Lord - Hikokujaku

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 3000/2500

    You can Ritual Summon this card with "Espirit Calling". Must be Ritual Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can return up to 3 monsters your opponent controls to the hand, then you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Spirit monster from your hand, ignoring its Summoning conditions. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Special Summoned this turn: Return it to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon 2 "Espirit Tokens" (Winged Beast-Type/WIND/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1500).

    Wind Witch - Crystal Bell

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 2800/2400

    "Wind Witch - Winter Bell" + 1 "Wind Witch" monster
    You can target 1 monster in either player's Graveyard; until the End Phase, this card's name becomes that monster's, and replace this effect with that monster's original effects. If this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can target 1 "Wind Witch - Winter Bell" and 1 Level 4 or lower "Wind Witch" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon them. You can only use each effect of "Wind Witch - Crystal Bell" once per turn.

    Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 3000/2000

    1 "Pendulum Dragon" monster + 1 Warrior-Type monster
    When this card is Fusion Summoned: You can make the ATK of all monsters your opponent currently controls become 0, also other monsters you control cannot attack for the rest of this turn. Negate the activated effects of all monsters with 0 ATK. At the end of the Damage Step, when this card attacks an opponent's monster, but the opponent's monster was not destroyed by the battle: You can banish that opponent's monster.

    Ancient Gear Chaos Giant

    Level: 10
    Atk/Def: 4500/3000

    4 "Ancient Gear" monsters
    Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Unaffected by Spell/Trap effects. Monsters in your opponent's possession cannot activate their effects during the Battle Phase. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

    Ancient Gear Devil

    Level: 8
    Atk/Def: 1000/1800

    2 "Ancient Gear" monsters
    Unaffected by other cards' effects. During your Main Phase: You can inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can only use this effect of "Ancient Gear Devil" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Ancient Gear" monster from your Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions.

    Flower Cardian Lightflare

    Level: 10
    Atk/Def: 5000/0

    1 Tuner + 4 non-Tuner monsters
    Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. If a "Flower Cardian" monster you control battles an opponent's monster, that opponent's monster has its effects negated during this Battle Phase only. If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by battle, or if this Synchro Summoned card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Flower Cardian" Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck, except "Flower Cardian Light Flare".

    Crystron Gliongandr

    Level: 9
    Atk/Def: 3000/3000

    2 or more Tuners + 1 non-Tuner monster
    If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can target monsters your opponent controls and/or in their Graveyard, up to the number of Synchro Materials used for the Synchro Summon of this card; banish them. If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 banished monster, except this card; Special Summon it to your field.

    Shiranui Sovereignsaga

    Level: 10
    Atk/Def: 3500/0

    1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
    If this card is Special Summoned: You can return any number of your Zombie-Type Synchro Monsters that are banished and/or in your Graveyard to the Extra Deck, then you can destroy the same number of cards your opponent controls. If a Zombie-Type monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can banish 1 "Shiranui" monster from your Graveyard instead. You can only Special Summon "Shiranui Sovereignsaga(s)" once per turn.

    Wind Witch - Winter Bell

    Level: 7
    Atk/Def: 2400/2000

    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner WIND monsters
    You can target 1 "Wind Witch" monster in your Graveyard; inflict damage to your opponent equal to its Level x 200. During either player's Battle Phase: You can target 1 "Wind Witch" monster you control; Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with a Level less than or equal to that monster's, but it cannot attack this turn. You can only use each effect of "Wind Witch - Winter Bell" once per turn.

    Superheavy Samurai Ninja Shinobiashi

    Level: 7
    Atk/Def: 1200/2800

    1 Machine-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters
    This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its DEF for damage calculation. If you have no Spell/Trap Cards in your Graveyard: You can halve this card's original DEF until the end of this turn, and if you do, this card can attack your opponent directly this turn. Once per turn, during the next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard.

    Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon

    Rank: 7
    Atk/Def: 3000/2500

    Pendulum Effect:
    Once per turn, if you have no cards in your other Pendulum Zone: You can place 1 Pendulum Monster from your Deck in your Pendulum Zone.

    Monster Effect:
    2 Level 7 Dragon-Type monsters
    If you can Pendulum Summon Level 7, you can Pendulum Summon this face-up card in your Extra Deck. If this card is Xyz Summoned by using an Xyz Monster as a Material, it gains these effects.
    ● This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase.
    ● Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; destroy as many cards your opponent controls as possible, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each card destroyed until the end of this turn.
    If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone.

    Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon

    Rank: 9
    Atk/Def: 4500/3000

    3 Level 9 monsters
    If this card has a "Cipher" card or "Kinetic Soldier" as Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
    ● Once per turn: You can detach up to 3 Xyz Materials from this card; monsters you control cannot attack your opponent directly for the rest of this turn, except this card, also take control of face-up monsters your opponent controls equal to the number of Xyz Materials detached, until the End Phase, but while this effect is applied, they have their effects negated, their ATK become 4500, also their names become "Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon".

    Heavy-Armored Train Iron Wolf

    Level: 4
    Atk/Def: 2200/2200

    2 Level 4 Machine-Type monsters
    Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; this turn, that monster can attack your opponent directly, also other monsters cannot attack. If this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can add 1 Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

    Zodiac Beast Bullhorn

    Rank: 4
    Atk/Def: ?/?

    2 Level 4 monsters
    Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Zodiac Beast Bullhorn" by using 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster you control with a different name as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK and total DEF of the "Zodiac Beast" monsters attached to it as Xyz Materials. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; add 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster that can be Normal Summoned/Set from your Deck to your hand.

    Zodiac Beast Tigress

    Rank: 4
    Atk/Def: ?/?

    3 Level 4 monsters
    Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Zodiac Beast Tigress" by using 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster you control with a different name as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK and total DEF of the "Zodiac Beast" monsters attached to it as Xyz Materials. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Xyz Monster you control and 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster in your Graveyard; attach that "Zodiac Beast" monster to that Xyz Monster as Xyz Material.

    Zodiac Beast Drancia

    Rank: 4
    Atk/Def: ?/?

    4 Level 4 monsters
    Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Zodiac Beast Drancia" by using 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster you control with a different name as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK and total DEF of the "Zodiac Beast" monsters attached to it as Xyz Materials. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up card on the field; destroy it.

    Zodiac Beast Wildbow

    Rank: 4
    Atk/Def: ?/?

    5 Level 4 monsters
    Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Zodiac Beast Wildbow" by using 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster you control with a different name as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) This card gains ATK and DEF equal to the total ATK and total DEF of the "Zodiac Beast" monsters attached to it as Xyz Materials. This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card with 12 or more Xyz Materials inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can send as many cards as possible from your opponent's hand and field to the Graveyard, then change this card to Defense Position.

    Machine Angel Absolute Ritual

    Type: RITUAL

    This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Cyber Angel" Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field, and/or shuffle any combination of Fairy or Warrior-Type monsters from your Graveyard into the Deck, whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon.

    Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension

    Type: QUICK-PLAY

    During either player's Main Phase: Target 1 "Cipher" Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Cipher" Xyz Monster that is 1 Rank higher than that target, by using it as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) The monster Special Summoned by this effect gains this effect.
    ● This card gains 500 ATK for each Level 4 or higher monster you control.

    Esprit Calling

    Type: RITUALE

    This card can be used to Ritual Summon "Espirit Lord - Hikokujaku" or "Espirit Lord - Himekujaku". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field, and/or banish Spirit monsters from your Graveyard, whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon.

    Esprit Powerspot

    Type: CONTINUA

    All Spirit monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF. If a face-up WIND monster(s) you control is returned to your hand: You can add 1 Spirit monster or 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Esprit Powerspot" once per turn.

    Super Quantal Finisher Alphan Ball

    Type: NORMALE

    If you control 3 or more "Super Quantum" monsters with different names: Shuffle as many cards your opponent controls as possible into the Deck, then your opponent Special Summons 1 monster from their Extra Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. You can banish this card and 1 "Super Quantal Fairy Alphan" from your Graveyard; activate 1 "Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier" directly from your Deck.

    Foolish Burial with Belongings

    Type: NORMALE

    Send 1 Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only activate 1 "Foolish Burial of Belongings" per turn.


    Type: NORMALE

    Target 1 "Flower Cardian" monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand, then you can Special Summon 1 "Flower Cardian" monster from your hand, ignoring its Summoning conditions. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of a "Flower Cardian" monster: You can excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck, you can add 1 excavated Spell/Trap Card to your hand, also place any remaining cards on the top of your Deck in any order.


    Type: TERRENO

    All "Zodiac Beast" monsters you control gain 300 ATK and DEF. Monsters your opponent controls cannot target Beast-Warrior-Type monsters you control for attacks, except the Beast-Warrior-Type monster you control with the highest ATK (either, if tied). Once per turn, if a "Zodiac Beast" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by a card effect, you can destroy 1 other monster in your hand or field instead.

    Elemental Triangle of the Zodiac Beasts

    Type: CONTINUA

    You can target 1 face-up card you control; destroy it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "Elemental Triangle of the Zodiac Beasts" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 "Zodiac Beast" Xyz Monster you control; attach this card from your Graveyard to that target as Xyz Material.

    Super Soldier Origin

    Type: RITUALE

    This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster from your hand or Graveyard. You must also send 1 LIGHT monster from your hand and 1 DARK monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, OR send 1 DARK monster from your hand and 1 LIGHT monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, whose total Levels exactly equal 8. You can only activate 1 "Super Soldier Origin" per turn.

    Ritual Beast's Promised Return

    Type: QUICK-PLAY

    Banish 1 "Ritual Beast" monster from your hand, then target 1 of your "Ritual Beast" monsters that is banished or in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

    The Grass is Always Tastier on the Other Side

    Type: NORMAL

    If you have more cards in your Deck than your opponent: Send cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard until you have the same number of cards in your Deck as your opponent.

    Terminal World Next


    Activate only if you control no other cards and your opponent controls 3 or less monsters and 3 or less Spell/Trap Cards. Neither player can control more than 3 monsters, also neither player can control more than 3 Spell/Trap Cards.

    Bewildering Wind

    Type: NORMALE

    Target 1 face-up Special Summoned monster on the field; it has its effects negated, also halve its original ATK. If your opponent Special Summons a monster from the Extra Deck while this card is in your Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can Set this card, but banish it when it leaves the field.

    Seasonal Direction to the Zodiac Beasts

    Type: NORMALE

    Target 1 "Zodiac Beast" Xyz Monster you control; attach 1 "Zodiac Beast" monster from your Deck to that target as Xyz Material. During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 5 "Zodiac Beast" cards with different names in your Graveyard; shuffle all 5 into the Deck, then draw 1 card.

    The Beginning

    Type: NORMALE

    Reveal 3 Warrior-Type monsters from your Deck, including at least 1 "Black Luster Soldier" monster or "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster, your opponent randomly picks 1, and if it is a "Black Luster Soldier" monster or "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster, add it to your hand, and you send the rest to the Graveyard. Otherwise, send all of them to the Graveyard. You can only activate 1 "The Beginning" per turn.

    Majespecter Gust

    Type: NORMALE

    Target 1 "Majespecter" card in your Pendulum Zone; Special Summon it.

    Void Madness

    Type: NORMALE

    Send 1 "Void" Spell/Trap Card from your hand or face-up from your field to the Graveyard, except "Null and Void"; Special Summon up to 3 "Infernoid" monsters from your Deck whose total Levels equal 8, ignoring their Summoning conditions.

    Switch Hero

    Type: NORMALE

    Each player switches control of all monsters they control with each other. There must be the same number of monsters on each player's field to activate and to resolve this effect.


    Type: NORMALE

    Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK and DEF become double its current ATK and DEF, but it cannot attack directly.

    Cipher Spectrum

    Type: NORMAL

    If a "Cipher" Xyz Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect and sent to your Graveyard while it has Xyz Material: Target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Xyz Monster with the same name from your Extra Deck.

    Ancient Gear Reborn


    You only control 1 "Ancient Gear Reborn". Once per turn, if you control no monsters: You can target 1 "Ancient Gear" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it, and if you do, it gains 200 ATK.

    Esprit Healing


    If a face-up Spirit monster(s) you control is returned to your hand while this card is in your Spell & Trap Zone: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can banish 1 Spirit monster from your Graveyard; negate the attack, then end the Battle Phase. You can only use each effect of "Espirit Healing" once per turn.

    Shiranui Style Reincarnation


    This card's name becomes "Shiranui Style Synthesis" while in the Spell & Trap Zone. Once per turn: You can activate 1 of these effects.
    ● Banish 1 face-up Zombie-Type monster you control; you take no damage this turn.
    ● Target 2 of your banished Zombie-Type monsters with 0 DEF; shuffle both targets into the Deck, then draw 1 card.

    Purusha Shaddoll Aion

    Type: NORMAL

    Target 1 "Shaddoll" monster you control; send 1 "Shaddoll" card from your hand to the Graveyard, and if you do, that monster gains 1000 ATK and DEF, but it is changed to face-down Defense Position during the End Phase.

    Bat Blight Virus

    Type: NORMAL

    Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2000 or more DEF; check your opponent's hand, all monsters they control, and all cards they draw until the end of their 3rd turn after this card's activation, and destroy all those monsters with 1500 or less DEF.

    Edited by Yuseì - 23/10/2016, 18:54
  9. .

    Oggi volevo porre l'attenzione su una delle carte più discusse del momento: Pot of Desires. Il video parla, anche tramite un approccio statistico, dei vantaggi e dei rischi che si possono ritrovare in questa carta. Che ne pensate?

    Check the channel:


  10. .
    Io e shou ci chiameremo "Delinquent Duo".
  11. .
    Ogni mattina un utente si alza e sa che dovrà correre più veloce di Das Licht per non venire iscritto ad un torneo a tradimento.
  12. .
    Ma chi l'ha messo a organizzare tornei sto qua? :gelato:
  13. .
    Ottimo supporto per i synchro 6 (uno dei livelli più scarsi), ma data la rarità aspetterò un po' per giocarlo :asd:
  14. .
    Volevo postare le mie due liste attuali di deskbot in modo da discutere con voi su qual è la migliore per affrontare questo noioso meta, dato che il 20 agosto avrei intenzione di partecipare ad un LLDS. Sono ben accetti anche fix e consigli sulla side, ho praticamente tutto.

    Versione 1:

    Questa è la versione che ho testato per più tempo, è più stabile grazie a terrortop nonostante il mono karakuri possa far brickare.

    Versione 2:

    Questa versione è orientata sui rank 8 e può sfruttare baratto come peschino. TG Striker è lì perchè fa Jet con Drago/008 e Bestia con 003. L'ho testata meno a causa della morte di DN ma mi sembra comunque valida.

    Se avete bisogno di chiarimenti non esitate a chiedere.

    Edited by ~Giø - 11/8/2016, 22:09
  15. .
    Sì, puoi.
254 replies since 23/11/2013